Seasonal Opportunities


Halloween is a growing opportunity for stores and an important season for confectionery.1 Shoppers are looking for confectionery for ‘Trick or Treating’ and for parties as well as for treats for their families. More than half of shoppers celebrate Halloween2


  • Consider having a bespoke Halloween display, with all relevant categories displayed together. Where regulations allow consider extending the theme to counter and window3.
  • For confectionery focus on best selling sharing products.
  • Treat size products are ideal for ‘Trick and Treating’, parties and family treats, as they are wrapped and portion controlled.
  • While having some Halloween bespoke products helps create a Halloween theme, being a short season it can be present a risk. We recommend a mix of Halloween branded and generic products.
  • Use manufacturer point of sale3.

¹ Nielsen trad, Halloween, 3 wks to 31.10.21

² Snack chat 2021

³ Where HFSS regulations apply only Non HFSS products may be displayed in certain areas of the store including the counter area and other areas near Front of store