
Cadbury Brunch launches new price-marked pack for bestselling Choc Chip flavour

Cadbury Brunch Choc Chip, the number one healthier* biscuit SKU[i], has unveiled a new price-marked pack to drive brand visibility and communicate value to price-conscious shoppers.

Cadbury Brunch Choc Chip PMP will be available from July at a pricemark of £1.39** for a multipack of five to help drive sales within the healthier* snacking segment.

Many shoppers are continuing to seek out value from the category and PMPs are a great way for retailers to provide this reassurance. so this new format from Cadbury Brunch is set to help retailers attract new shoppers and boost sales.

Choc Chip is the number one Cadbury Brunch flavour, growing 17%[ii] year-on-year in the convenience channel, and the new PMP will make this bestseller stand out even more on shelf with its clear and striking price point.

Retailers should be sure to stock up on the new format to make the most of the brand’s growing success.

Product information

Product name: Cadbury Brunch Choc Chip PMP

Product weight: 140g (5x28g)

RRP**: £1.39 PMP

*Healthier biscuits as defined by Nielsen categorisation

**Recommended retail price, pricing is at the sole discretion of the retailer. Non-PMP packs also available.

[i],2 Nielsen Discover, Total Coverage inc. Discounters, Total Biscuits, Healthier, Rolling 52W w/e 01.06.2024[ii] REFERENCE NEEDED