Customer Service

Have a suggestion box to get feedback directly from your shoppers. Have some cards and pens always out to make it easy for the customer. If someone says something at the till or to staff you can then suggest they write it down
Offer added-value services that people can’t get locally to bring them into store; ask locals what they’d like to see in the area that would be useful to them
Set up a drive-through grocery pick-up point
If you’ve got the manpower have greeters at the front of store in busy times to help shoppers and contribute to security. They can also hand out baskets to encourage more spend
Keep a stack of baskets half-way around a store to encourage extra purchases and make shoppers’ experience easier
Have a pot of small change by the till, so people can use if they are a few pence short for a product
Make a “lucky dip” bin at the till, for when customers can’t decide what treat to buy. It could include some discounted products as an incentive!
Keep dog treats at the till for fourlegged customers
Encourage staff members to taste, sample or use products so they can upsell and make recommendations to shoppers