HFSS Regulations apply from October 2022

To prepare for this, we recommend retailers do the following:
Guidance is available through ACS and the government website’
ACS website : www.acs.org.uk/advice/hfss-regulations
Official Government guidelines, as outlined here : https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/restricting-promotions-of-products-high-in-fat-sugar-or-salt-by-location-and-by-volume-price/restricting-promotions-of-products-high-in-fat-sugar-or-salt-by-location-and-by-volume-price-implementation-guidance
Members of a symbol group can utilise this membership for advise
We recommend retailers consider and prepare by
Be aware which segment of the legislation your store falls under
Think about the rules and what will be impacted in your store
Familiarise yourself with categories that are affected
Identify categories that will need to move in your store
Plan when you will make changes, be ready for October 1st
Never forget basic merchandising principles they will still be just as relevant
For display advice click here
Displays and ranges should always be regularly reviewed