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Bringing snack sales to life in independent retail.

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Winning together is better!

Big Win-Win is back, exclusively offering both Independent retail stores AND their shoppers the chance to win cash prizes* together.

In fact there is £100k to be won!

To order point of sale and for chance to be in our social media campaign*

Latest activity and competitions

Sour Patch Kids , New flavour available now 

Sour Patch Kids , New flavour available now 

Belvita Competition

Win for your team and your store*

Retail Ideas
for Inspiration

Get inspiration from other retailers who shared their great retail ideas with us , as part of our Cadbury 200 Years Great Retail Ideas Exchange. Here we highlight ideas we consider practical and implementable in store, to give you some inspiration for what you could be doing a bit differently to help grow your business and its role in the community.

Wheat in a farmer hand

The Harmony Program

Approximately 99% of the wheat volume used in our European biscuits business is grown under the Harmony Charter. The Harmony Wheat Charter is Mondelez International’s pioneering sustainable wheat program; a regenerative charter, aiming to have a lasting impact by contributing to our net zero commitment, reversing biodiversity losses, supporting farmers in transitioning to regenerative agricultural practices while driving quality of wheat in our biscuits. Over 1,100 farmers in 7 European countries are involved in the programme. Find out more here

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** RRPs are recommendations only. Retailers are free to set their own prices. Non price marked packs available.

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