Range and Display

Display and ranging are critical to success in convenience retail. Display needs to help shoppers find what they are looking for while it can also inspire and help drive incremental purchases. The former is all about getting the basics right. However, there are fewer rules on how to create inspiration in store, so there is opportunity to be really creative and be different in order to stand out and encourage additional sales.

In reviewing the ideas, it also became clear that the counter area is a hot topic and clearly a key focus for confectionery and impulse lines, where HFSS restrictions allow.

One stand-out and wonderfully simple suggestion was to have a shelf in front of the counter for shoppers to place their bags on, so they don’t upset the display! Another was to have a small fridge on the counter in the summer for chocolate for those who prefer it chilled.

The power of window displays was also a key theme; they bring people into store and create interest. Ideas had a common theme: change window displays regularly and make them bright and colourful. Digital screens in windows are also a popular idea and worth investigating if you don’t yet have them. Many retailers also pointed out the importance of making sure the window reflects the store’s offering.


Utilise and refresh manufacturers’ POS, particularly those that help to maintain the layout of fixtures

Put the most expensive items on the right-hand side of the display and more budget items to the left. Most people are right-handed and that’s what they will naturally reach for

Stock local products and highlight them – some entries suggested using stickers to highlight local produce and others even have a map display to show where products are from. Work with local suppliers to create these bespoke displays in your area

Strategically merchandise your store to spread the hotspots around – put the most expensive items on the right-hand side of the display and more budget items to the left. Most people are right-handed and that’s what they will naturally reach for

Have an area in store with space devoted to seasonal display – there is always a season that’s ‘on’ through the year; whether an occasion like Christmas or simply a time of year like summer or backto-school

Walk the store like a customer would and make sure there’s a natural progression for complementary categories that make it easier for them to fill their baskets. Why not ask a regular if you can walk with them to see how they shop and how their shopper journey could be improved?

Highlight special promotions in store; you could try having a dedicated area to display new products (in addition to their primary siting in relevant category) and highlight ‘What’s New?’

Offer a healthy meal deal offer on one fixture

Consider speciality products; ask customers what they are looking for and range accordingly. Keep a clear area for specialist products

Introduce digital shelf-edge labels


Don’t duplicate too many products: think best-seller, mid-price, value!

Only double-face the very top sellers

Every two to three months carry out a review of certain areas to make the space you have work better. Regularly review your EPOS data and remove slow selling lines. If something doesn’t sell, get rid and put something that will sell in its place

Download a report periodically from Google which tells you what people are looking for in relation to your store. Some stores find this an invaluable insight into their local shoppers

Display products in more than one location when they are in the media to make the most of manufacturers’ advertising campaigns

Become the go-to stop in your local area for a certain speciality range or product to drive regular repeat traffic from a group of shoppers

Think about local collaborations. One store told us about their range of over 20 ready meals from a local curry house. Fresh and locally sourced ingredients are both cheaper and quicker than a takeaway!

On the counter*

Have seasonal and new products on the counter to inspire last-minute impulse purchases

Have some low-cost, impulse products on the counter, so when consumers have change you can suggest they purchase these

With all the above in mind, change what you have on the counter regularly to keep things fresh for your regulars

Place products with only a month left on their sell-by date on the counter or include as specials in meal deals