Your Community

Use your retailing community. There’s lots to be learned from other retailers; reach out online or in person and offer support to build a network and see what others are doing in similar stores

Send a gift such as flowers (or Cadbury Roses!) to locals if unwell or in hospital

Set up a charity support scheme where shoppers have a chance to nominate local causes for funds at certain sales milestones

Introduce a ‘pay-it-forward’ style scheme. For example ‘share-a-bar’, where shoppers can buy two bars of chocolate: one for them and one for someone else, then you distribute to the next person who you think needs a little treat

Set up a ‘seed-swap box’ for green-fingered customers to use to help keep local gardens and green areas looking beautiful

Reach out to local food banks and faith centres to donate products to those in need

Set up a “buddy shoppers” scheme to help older shoppers find someone locally who can help them with accompanying them to store or collecting and delivering shopping

Collaborate with other local businesses to run raffles or build hampers for community charities

Run events at the store or other local venues to bring people together and build loyalty at the heart of your community

Bring out old pictures of your store, your community work and awards – locals love to see or be reminded of a shop’s history and heritage! You could create a display board or simply pin up a few photos at the till as a talking point

Get staff behind your charitable efforts by asking them which local causes are important for them and running fundraisers for them or making donations

Offer training in a skill you have to your local community through an evening event or similar